I Am Socially Unavailable
As of 10PM this evening, I am socially unavailable to all men. Don't call me to invite me over for sushi, don't cook me dinner. Don't tell me you want to rub my feet, don't tell me my rack looks hot in that shirt. I'm not listenig to any of it. I try not to be a "down with love girl", but guys are just FUCK- UPS! Every guy I've ever known has at some point or another done something to ruin a good thing. Why do they do this? I'll never understand.
My good friends,ThatGirl and Independentgrl have written numerous times about trust and trust issues. We all have them, including myself. I too have a difficult time trusting men because historically, I've seen that they are all full of SHIT! My usual MO is to not give a shit, b/c I never really wanted to be bothered anyway. I am notorious for just not caring. But what happens when you begin to slightly care? I'll tell you what happens, MEN FUCK UP! Then we women with trust issues are back to square one. So.....
I need to be because if not, then I can't be held liable for what might come out of my mouth! I could say anything and likely it won't be pretty.I am VERY good at spewing venom when the mood strikes me! I need to focus on me, my move and getting my own life together. I will not become a cliche, I will not call, I will not e-mail. I will take TG and IG's advice and let him call me. I will remember the words of the wise Mother That Annoys (MTA),"let him long for you". I will follow all this sage advice because I know it is good for me as well as my sanity, but I never thought I'd be playing these kind of mind games with men at this stage in my life. I thought I was past this and finally hanging out in the "executive washroom" of maturity. Oh well,so much for that. So I guess...
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