Who Are You, Anyway?

I walked a thousand miles while everyone was asleep...nobody's really seen my million subtleties...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Liquid Summer Festival: "I Feel Every Rock!"

Independentgrl and I failed to bring lawnchairs to this event. Hell, we failed to know that there was a parking garage in Fells...or here's an even better one.... we failed to know there was actual parking at the event.

We know now!

Having failed to bring this necessary item, we were doomed to stand around while watching the bands play. While waiting for the Kelly Bell Band to set up, we finally broke down and sat on one of the inflatable games they had standing around... it think it was football.

"you can't sit on the game, we're about to start play." Ok, pal, I get it ... movin' on. Next caller!

Damn, foiled!

After play was finished, we walked back over to the inflatable game and parked out asses on that ohh so good inflatable plastic! It felt so good... we didn't even care that it was wet! it just felt good to sit. Especially after walking in circles in Fells Point.

In comes event staff gustapo.... "You can't sit on the games."

Fucking-A, dude would you just gimme a break!

Damn, foiled again!

IG and I go back to the band area to await the KBB ( groupies are dedicated if nothing else). Finally IG breaks down and tells me she going to sit on the wet gravelly ground using her umbrella as a buffer. I look at her umbrella, this is a posiblity for her since she has an average size umbrella.

I look at my sucksass umbrella and think, "it will have to do, at least until KBB is ready to play."
So we plop our asses down on umbrellas for a few moments of respite.

Maybe 10 minutes later Independentgrl looks over at me and says, "I may have to stand up... I can't take much more of this. I feel every rock not to mention the piece of pole up my ass!"

I wanna laugh my ass off but I can't cause I've got gravel in mine too! Thank God, we didn't have to wait much longer for KBB!

2 minutes later we'd had enough and both got up...Thanks to my sucksass umbrella, I not only felt every rock... I also had WET ASS!

Oh well, KBB is warming up... wet ass is good... wet ass is good.

I looked at a couple behind me and said, "wet ass is good, right?"

Their reply was, "wet ass is very good!"


word of advice~ bring a lawnchair to the festival.